Anyone in business will tell you that demand for a product usually means prices going up – especially if supply is limited. Well the UK’s housing market isn’t immune from this rule of thumb. It’s one of the factors that’s caused the housing crisis that’s affected the country for decades.

Shortage of available homes means demand is high and if someone is willing and able to pay more they will usually go to the front of the queue. But if your budget is limited, then things are much more challenging and you could join the hundreds of thousands on waiting lists across the country for an affordable home.

Experts agree that one of the ways to make housing more accessible and affordable for all is simply to increase supply. Which is why Futures invests in building and acquiring new homes across the East Midlands.

The last few years have remained challenging for the construction industry nationwide. The pandemic put a sudden stop to work at hundreds of building sites across the country. And when restrictions started to ease, supply problems with parts and materials made restarting projects difficult and caused prices to soar.

Things are now returning to a new normal though and this includes Futures’ own development plans. Browse more of the stories below to find out how we were affected and, more importantly, how we’re bouncing back into action to increase the supply of affordable homes.

This year we...

Kept on building new homes... meet the needs of customers and the region. In total this year we built another...

227 homes

Secured grant funding to build new homes...

....with successful bids to Homes England that brought in more than...

10 million pounds

Built homes that our customers liked...

...with research telling us that people scored satisfaction with their new home at...

100 %

Reduced repair times...

...with the average time taken to complete a repair falling from 10.4 days in 2022-23 down to...

9.6 days

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