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Futures has been a part of my life for a very long time – 20 years basically. Like any job it’s brought its ups and downs but I’m really fortunate to be able to say they have mostly been ups.

Social housing is a challenging sector in some ways. Demand constantly exceeds supply and housing associations have had to become much more self sufficient since wholesale government funding for affordable homes more or less dried up. But despite that, I feel both comfortable and confident saying that Futures has really thrived, in fact excelled.

When I asked my very first boss when I joined what was then Amber Valley Housing, Norman Bull, what he wanted the organisation to be about his answer was really simple, “Homes fit for my mum”. I’ve never let go of that idea – it’s stayed with me to this day as being a powerful vision and something that each and every one of us can relate to.

I’m happy to say that I’ve been supported since day one to make that vision a reality by some amazing people and a fantastic culture. Yes, we build and provide homes, but ultimately we’re a people business. Those homes are just a place where people can build their lives. And our team members – currently over 400 of them – all make our plans and vision a reality through their everyday hard work and dedication.

I’m sad to be moving on from an organisation and from places that mean so much to me. But the time is right for me to have a change of gear. I’m really pleased to be handing over the reins to my successor, Tim Mulvenna, as I know he’ll be in safe hands.

Thank you to everyone who’s been a part of my journey and please stay true to Norman’s words – the people of the East Midlands are counting on you.