Damp and mould in homes continues to be a high profile and concerning issue. The risks it can present to people living under these conditions were tragically highlighted by the death of Awaab Ishak in Rochdale in 2020. And in recent years the unprecedented rise in fuel costs means that many households have cut back on heating to save money, but then find that this can also increase the risk of damp and condensation in their home.

Futures has responded to this growing concern by creating a ‘task force’ of team members to address any cases we find in our homes. We’ve also been letting customers know about the risks, the importance or reporting damp and mould, and sharing useful tips that can help people to reduce indoor moisture levels for themselves.

The causes of condensation, damp and mould may vary from home to home so our focus is on getting to the bottom of the problem and working together with customers to help prevent recurrence.

Usually our first step is to send in our specialist cleaning team to remove any mould and apply preventive treatments. One of our surveyors will then investigate further to understand the underlying cause and in more challenging cases may bring in outside experts for further support where necessary. We will then set out to remedy the situation which could involve a range of measures from installing new damp proof courses through to improving ventilation and installing thermal wall insulation membranes to external walls.

We also support customers to help reduce the risks of damp, mould and condensation, for instance by stressing the importance of ventilation such as extractor fans and ventilation. The energy price crisis has led some people to try to make their homes more air-tight to keep in expensive heat. But this also has the effect of trapping moisture inside. So helping customers to understand the trade-off involved and how to get the best out of their home can be a helpful way of reducing the risks.

Together this joint approach successfully resolves the vast majority of cases we find. But knowing about the issue is key to tackling it. So if you’re a customer living with damp, mould or condensation, please let us know!